SDC Cloud Update - VMWare and KVM (Proxmox) - 03/06/2024
SDC Cloud is pleased to announce that the new update to VMWare 7.X.X will be replacing the 6.7.X and will be rolled out with partnership to the Cloud director Fundamentals. We will have a full outage on Friday 1000MST - 1600MST. Your login will be limited. As the sametime we will be marrying the bridge from VMWare to Proxmox with a 400Gb link to support cross infrastructure. KVM (Promox) and the new Syvetta offering is about 20% faster than the current VMWare offering and has faster through put on the 10G 40G and 100G links.
Update Outage -- March 1, 2024 1000MST - March 1, 2024 1600MST
If you require help, open a trouble ticket -
We look forward to the new updates and the patches that will increase security and performance.
SDC Support