Articles in this category SDC Cloud Update - VMWare and KVM (Proxmox) - 03/06/2024 SDC Cloud is pleased to announce that the new update to VMWare 7.X.X will be replacing the 6.7.X and will be rolled out with partnership to the Cloud director Fundamentals. We will have a full outag... SDC Mail - All email for Syptec users - 03/07/2024 SDC is delighted to out with the old and in with the new. Better integration to Apple and Samsung products and SSL/TLS support. The new system has the following.. Webportal - https://hestia.syptec... SDC Launches Provisioning Site - 03/07/2024 We are happy to provide a new launch site that allows access to both sides of our Cloud. SDC Cloud based on Vmware and the latest based on KVM/QEMU. We are delighted to have future options in GPUs... SDC Cloud PFsense RCE - 08/09/2024 If you are running the popular Pfsense, it is recommended to patch your pfsense now! The RCE demonsteated in the article and need to patch are critical. If you require support on patching, immed... SDC Veg and SDC VegN Interruption - 12/9/2023 We have 2 sites in wonderful Las Vegas. This is an emergency notification of the sites. There is a clustered system that will have a single node interruption that will cause a disruption in servic...